Battle for the Galaxy Wiki

Enhance Troops or Heroes with Artifact effects (3 Artifacts per unit.) Earn Artifacts by completing Operations. All artifacts can be enhanced by fusing with a duplicate of itself. This may be done up to 5 times

Artifact Effect Available for
Absorption 15% chance to restore 20% resistance in attack. Units*
Destruction 20% chance of double damage. Units**, Heroes, Towers
Endurance Unit lives 10 seconds after its death. Units***, Heroes, Towers
Rampage 20% chance to deploy units with double health and damage. Units, Heroes, Towers
Reactivity +30% speed Units, Heroes
Reflection 25% chance to return 20% of received damage. Units
Replication 15% chance to create a copy of a unit during its deployment. Units


20% chance to revive a unit upon death. Units, Heroes
Reversibility 20% chance to return your unit back to the disembarkation panel after its death. Units
Quantum 20% chance to not take damage from tower shooting. Units, Heroes

*Artifact can not be used on Protoplasm Emitter nor Mine

**Artifact can not be used on Protoplasm Emitter

***Artifact can not be used on Mine
