Battle for the Galaxy Wiki

Heroes are a special type of troop. A hero requires a Hero Pad. There are currently three heroes: Hannibal, Fate, and Aceso. Each hero has its own ability(s). Unlike regular troops, heroes have special abilities and once deployed, instead of expending once the battle ends, they will reappear on your hero pads and regenerate (depending on the damage it took). Heroes will also defend your base against enemy attacks. NOTE: A hero is temporarily disabled when regenerating or upgrading. Upgrading a hero costs energy and each upgrade increases its health or damage. Modules will also give buffs. To unlock another hero, 100 hero cards are required. Collect the cards through events or purchase them from the shop.                                                                       NOTE: The damage and health on the chart is at base level

Hero Damage Health
Hannibal 250 2875
Fate 140 900
Aceso 80 1200