Battle for the Galaxy Wiki
  • Troops are meant for attacking. There are three big types of classes of troops, and for every class, there are three sub-classes.

Human infantry[]

Unlock and upgrade them with the Academy.

    • With a level one academy, you only have Space Marines, which are light troops with decent defense. They can attack towers, but they will attack the closest building first. Can attack ground & air.
    • With a level two academy, you unlock the Rocket Troopers, soldiers with low defense. They only have two advantages, first one is that they can attack from afar without endangering themselves. Two is that their grenades can shoot over walls. Towers' have higher attack ranges, so they are horrible to take out defenses with. But, they are perfect looters when you are just stealing resources. Can attack ground & air.
    • The last infantry type, unlocked at academy level three, are the Raiders. Raiders are the best looters in the entire game; they can be unlocked easily, and do tons of damage to resources. Their priority targets are resources, so they need cover such as light robots, juggernauts, or space marines if you haven't unlocked the others. They are also the quickest troops. Can attack ground only.

Light machines[]

They are unlocked and upgraded with the Light Machine Factory.

    • The first light machine you can unlock is the Light Robots. These robot's primary targets are defenses, so they can provide excellent cover. They will divert defense attention by going close. They are one of the troops with the most defense, their health rivaled by only the Juggernauts. They are pretty slow, so they will have trouble attacking far targets. Can attack ground only.
    • the second light machine, unlocked with machine factory level two, are the Robotic Mines. They do x40 damage to walls and will only attack those.
    • The next light machine, which you can unlock with machine factory level three, are the Helicopters. Helicopters can shoot over walls and do a decent amount of damage, kind of like the grenadiers. The only difference is that choppers have slightly more health and can only be attacked by the anti-air towers (massive amount of damage, destroy them before you use any air units!) tesla towers and rocket launchers. Can attack ground & air.
    • The last light machine is the OAV. they are similar to raider. High damage, almost nothing armor, and high speed. They are unlocked at machine factory level four. Can attack ground & air.

Heavy machines[]

Unlocked and upgraded with the Heavy Vehicle Factory.

    • The first heavy machine is the Protoplasm Emitter. It is different from all the others because it will not attack, instead it will repair the closest ground troops. They will change target only if target is destroyed and will not stop even if target is fully repaired.
    • The second heavy is the Battlecruiser, similar to the helicopter, it flies and thus will only be damaged by ground to air attacks. It does massive amount of damage and is heavily defended. Can attack ground & air.
    • The last troop are the Juggernauts. Similar to light robot it will target defenses first, then the rest. They are the most heavy ground troops with massive HP. Can attack ground only.

